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    Park Point

    Minnesota Point, also known as the Park Point neighborhood of DuluthMinnesota; is a long, narrow sand spit that extends out from the Canal Park tourist recreation-oriented district of the city of Duluth. The Point separates Lake Superior from Superior Bay and the Duluth Harbor Basin.[4]

    Lake Avenue South / Minnesota Avenue serves as a main route in the community.

    Near the end of Minnesota Point is a small airport, Sky Harbor Airport. Beyond the airport, approximately 3/4 mile, is an old growth red and white pine forest. Within the forest is a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources designated area, the Minnesota Point Pine Forest Scientific and Natural Area, which encompasses 18 acres.

    Minnesota Point is approximately 7 miles in length, and when included with adjacent Wisconsin Point, which extends 3 miles out from the city of SuperiorWisconsin, totals 10 miles.

    Park Point is a popular summer destination for swimming and recreation. The park has a large recreational playing field, sand volleyball courts, and multiple pavilions and grills which are available for reservation. During the summer of 2019, an accessible boat launch was installed near the Duluth-Superior Sailing Association. The Beach House is managed by the Duluth Area Family YMCA. Lifeguards are on the beach during the summer season. Bathroom hours are 7a.m. – 10:00p.m. daily.