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    Morgan Park

    Morgan Park is a neighborhood in DuluthMinnesotaUnited States.

    Arbor Street / 88th Avenue West serves as a main route in the community. Grand Avenue is nearby. The area was first developed for worker housing to support the US Steel plant known as the Duluth Works. It was developed along the Saint Louis River.

    The Morgan Park neighborhood is also known as a planned community built by U.S. Steel to serve its Duluth Works steel plant in the early 1900s. Originally named “Model City” during its designing phase in 1913 and renamed in honor of U.S. Steel’s founder J. P. Morgan in June 1914, the town of Morgan Park was built and run by the U.S. Steel Corporation until 1933, when it was all deeded to the City of Duluth.

    The community thrived with recreational facilities, community clubs, the Lake View Store, billed as America’s first indoor mall, a K-12 school, and its own police and fire department. Eventually, the steel plant declined and was shut down in phases, the last facilities closing in 1981. The historic nature of the community is still present.